Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Incase you were wondering...

Incase you were wondering, I am very much alive and aware. I am always in meditation. That is to say, I go about my life consciously, as well as consciously unconsciously. Though, sometimes I do use the latter as an excuse to my less than occasional dryspells of inaction.

My life as of late? Woooo! My life has been very busy. A wonderful thing for me as I only want more of the business! You may think that I'll regret staying that when I am swept away by currents of business but hear me out, folks.

The moment the business becomes so much that it sweeps me away is the moment I will thoroughly know that all my effort and focus this year has not been in vain. By then, I will have accomplished something I never before imagined myself even being capable of. As of this moment right now, I can justly state that I've moved from the mindset of "Me? Do THAT? HAH!" to "I'm doing it!"

And if I am right now working on that something which I previously thought highly improbable of myself to accomplish, then I am totally capable of realizing this particular dream of mine... in its totality. I will reach that point of "Yesss! I did it!" And wow, what an accomplishment that will be for me since I was not raised nor involved with any people who thought in such a way. Pry me open more, dear universe, 'cause I just can't get near enough of yer lovin'!

I'd tell you exactly what I'm talking about, but Anonymous is my middle initial. ;)


DJ Medieval said...


Your usual email addresses have failed, I can't figure out what email address to use to contact you. Hope to hear from you.


DJ Medieval said...

Hope you are well.

-DJ Medieval

Anonymous said...

Great story you got here. It would be great to read more about that topic. Thank you for posting that data.
Sexy Lady
Girls for companionship in London

Anonymous said...

You still alive and well? Bear aka DJ Medieval