Ye Not Olde Mindscape Lore
The following was intended for blogging on November 29th. I ran out of time and had to promptly leave, causing this blog post to remain suspended in Draft mode, and also causing the end of it to be, uh, you'll see. Anyway, hope it entertains. Or not. ;)
11/29 - Defeat is not something I am not well acquainted with. Defeatful mental constipation, too, is nothing anyone should bare. Except, of course, those with the insane mental capacity to handle such superphysical catastrophe, such as yours truly.
It is not without great sacrifice and much truth through which it is possible for me to relay to you the following story. It consists both of dreaming while awake as well as actual events; the only border between the two realities being my scope on things. Feast those eyes upon this rotten crop!:
3, 2, ...
My facial expression bares insignia for the drama occuring directly behind the fierce hysteria that is my eyes.
Monkeys! Monkeys, my friends, have broken into the not-so-guarded, entirely-too-open cave of my mind and ravished the very things that are me, spoiling what was left of my mind with their aimless shit throwing and bisexual games. They have disorganized the once incredibly neat piles of crap which defined me. The monkeys have raped the space which once so much belonged to me.
I watched them do their thing to me with no concern or will to take action against the occurance. To question my heedlessness to the quandary is futile; this is the ultimate entertainment!
It is right now impossible to sit across from someone while holding a steady conversation without either exploding with hysterical laughter or gnawing at the cheeky flesh surrounding my teeth. With, of course, hopes for a renovated outcome, unless I forget to hope for something.
I suspect a greater motive behind the scenario. Something is trying to come out, to be expunged and purged from my mind forever. Again. But the mental movements (bowel movements as it were) it is causing--what havoc! My friends, the World is at neuro-warfare, warfare of immeasurable scale!
You must tell every neuron to work together. Work together baby, work together. We can do this. Work. Togeeeeeth Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Rrrrrrrrr. r.
epahS, I came to visit and to wish you all the best for the New Year...
(so Happy New Year, dear one!)
and it seems that you've written a cliff-hanger of sorts...
let us know
what comes next!
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